Seven in ten Americans say that the next generation will be economically worse off than the current generation, according to a chart published in the Washington Post. This sense of uncertainty and anxiety people are feeling about the future of their children begs the question of whether the American Dream is still achievable.

A 2014 nationwide poll by First Focus Campaign for Children demonstrated the similar sentiment that two-thirds (67 percent) of voters are not confident that our children will have better lives than we do today. The consistency in the viewpoints of the current generation highlights the fear that the future of our children is in danger.

The implications of these statistics are important to consider during the 2016 presidential race, for candidates and voters alike. Candidates need to demonstrate that they understand the uncertainty people feel and will work to address the issue.  Voters are encouraged to support candidates who value investments in children and their future.

Among voters, there is strong bipartisan support for children’s initiatives. There are many areas of a child’s life that need to be addressed to improve their chances of having a successful future, including economic security, early childhood education, K-12 education, permanence and stability, and health and safety.

The good news is that we know how the next generation can be better off. To start, check out our 14 Big Ideas on how to make America a better place for children and families.

The chart you need to see about pessimism and our children’s future >> via @First_Focus blog

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Want to learn more? First Focus is a bipartisan advocacy organization dedicated to making children and families the priority in federal policy and budget decisions. Learn more polling from our partners at First Focus Campaign for Children.

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