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Washington D.C. – Today, the bipartisan child advocacy organization, First Focus, announced a new national campaign to protect the future of children’s programs in the federal budget. The announcement came days after the release of the House Budget Committee’s FY 2012 Budget Resolution, yet another spending plan that included devastating cuts to programs established to support the needs of children and families. First Focus will use its “Don’t Cut Kids” campaign to raise awareness around reductions in federal spending on children and to demand that a fair share of federal resources is directed at programs that improve the lives of kids.

fact sheet released today by First Focus reveals stark comparisons between federal spending proposals currently under consideration. Released last year, President Obama’s FY 2011 budget proposal included an increase of $6.2 billion for children’s programs over 2010 levels. In contrast, H.R. 1, the House of Representatives spending bill passed in February, cuts spending on children’s programs by $7 billion from 2010 levels. The comparison between these two spending proposals for 2011 translates to over $13 billion dollars that are in play related to federal children’s programs.

“Preserving investments in programs that protect the health and well-being of children now will pay huge dividends down the road,” said Bruce Lesley, President of First Focus. “Unfortunately, many of the spending proposals debated on Capitol Hill have made children an afterthought in the federal budget rather than a focus. As a result, children are becoming the beneficiaries of an ever narrowing slice of federal spending.

“Children cannot vote, hold press conferences, or donate to political campaigns in order to protect their interests. Our campaign is grounded in the belief that it is our responsibility as a society to stand up for what is best for kids. We are calling on advocates and the American public to urge policymakers on both sides of the aisle to protect our children from harm as they work to find solutions to our budget challenges.”

In the weeks and months to come, First Focus will use its “Don’t Cut Kids” campaign to share information and research illustrating the importance of making sound budgetary decisions that protect investments in America’s children.