With just five days until Election Day, both political and advocacy groups alike are tirelessly working to educate their constituencies before they head to the polls. As child advocates, we are no different in this regard; we want the American people to vote for leaders who will make the best choices on behalf of our children, regardless of their political party. This week, we launched our Vote for Me campaign in conjunction with our several of our state-based advocacy partners. State specific ads will appear in newspapers and on radio stations across the country encouraging voters to think of children when selecting which leaders to support on Tuesday.

Our state partners continue to be a voice for children, and election season just provides a greater outlet to effect change. We’ve previously noted the Milk Party advocacy work of The Children’s Movement of Florida, but campaigns for children are taking shape across the nation. We are impressed by a “Get Out The Vote” campaign story from our Pennsylvania state partner, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, who is one of the leadership groups in a statewide early learning advocacy coalition called First Steps PA . With Halloween just around the corner, First Steps PA distributed over 12,000 trick or treat bags to child care centers across the state, containing crayons and a coloring activity, as well as information the importance upcoming election and early childhood education. Additionally, we were also happy to hear that many child care centers in Pennsylvania are staying open later on Election Day so working parents have a chance to vote.

Clearly, this is just one of many creative campaign stories that we’ve been hearing across the country. A number of our other state partners have made voter information incredibly accessible online. Washington’s Children’s Alliance has broken down each state referendum on their ballot and how it would effect children. Our New Mexico and New England state partners have both created comprehensive voters guides for their state.

All of our state partners know, what we know here at First Focus: your vote has the ability to change the programs and laws for children here in Washington and in your home state. We cannot stress how important it is to vote on November 2nd. Remember our children can’t vote, but you can. Make sure your vote counts for kids on Tuesday.

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