The 2012 presidential and vice-presidential candidates will participate in a series of debates in the coming weeks to showcase to voters where they stand on important policy issues. Three of the debates will focus at least in part on domestic policy, which means three great opportunities for candidates to put kids front and center. And that’s what America wants to hear about; a recent First Focus Campaign for Children poll found that 63 percent of the country’s voters want the candidates to focus more on children. That’s why we’re partnering with the Commission on Presidential Debates and to host a virtual DebateWatch on Twitter for the presidential and vice presidential debates.

Please join the conversation!

DebateWatch 2012 will immediately follow the debates in an effort to engage parents, kids’ advocates, and other Americans across the nation. This is a chance for us to harness the political power and knowledge of small-town democracy! We will be talking and tweeting with local organizations about the candidates’ positions – or their lack of positions – on the priority issues for kids.

Avoid the whirlwind of mainstream media and get involved in the conversation. All you have to do is watch the debates (October 3rd, 11th, and 16th – all from 9:00-10:30pm EDT), search for the hashtag#Kids2012, and speak up about the federal children’s issues that matter most. Log onto Twitter to tweet your reactions or share your promotional posts with Facebook fans. We’ll be tweeting too from@Campaign4Kids and @MomsRising.

What to tweet:

Use your voice on Twitter share your thoughts about the debates using the hashtag #Kids2012. If you have room, additional suggested hashtags are #InvestInKids, and #TalkPoverty.