Hundreds of DREAM Act eligible youth from around the country will gather for an annual mock graduation ceremony in front of the U.S. Capitol. For many of these students, high school graduation marks the final “normal” moment in their lives. Despite growing up in the U.S. and being educated in American schools, they often face challenges pursuing a higher education and are left unable to join the workforce along with their peers due to their lack of legal immigration status. This graduation ceremony will send a clear message to Congress that passage of the DREAM Act will finally enable these bright young people to fully contribute to the nation they call home. Following the graduation ceremony, DREAM students and supporters will participate in a rally and march to call for Congress to pass the DREAM Act this year.
Sponsoring organizations of the 2010 DREAM Graduation include: • American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education • America’s Voice • Center for Community Change • First Focus Campaign for Children • Reform Immigration for America • Papers the Movie • United We Dream Network