First Focus, in conjunction with Representative Rosa DeLauro and the Foundation for Child Development, hosted a Congressional briefing on “Living on the Edge: America’s Low-Earning Families”

One in three working families today find that employment does not guarantee a decent living standard. Forty percent of all children – 30 million kids – grow up in such households. Why are these families unable to get ahead? And what are the implications of their struggle for their children? First Focus, in conjunction with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, and the Foundation for Child Development invite you to join us for a discussion on the factors that lie behind the declining living standards of low-income households with children today and what steps can be taken to reverse this decline and create a pathway to the middle class for these families and their children. A new paper commissioned by First Focus and authored by Sophia Parker, of the Resolution Foundation and Harvard University, was released, entitled: “Living on the Edge: America’s Low-Earning Families”.

SPEAKER: Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3)

MODERATOR:  Bruce Lesley, President of First Focus

PANELISTS:Sophia Parker Resolution Foundation and Harvard University Download a copy of Sophia Parker’s PowerPoint presentation.

Heather Boushey Senior Economist, Center for American Progress Download a copy of Heather Boushey’s PowerPoint presentation.

Rourke O’Brien Research Fellow at the New America Foundation Download a copy of Rourke O’Brien’s PowerPoint presentation

Vicki Shabo Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women and Families Download a copy of Vicki Shabo’s PowerPoint presentation.

For more information, contact Megan Curran at 202-657-0684 or

First Focus would like to thank the Foundation for Child Development for their support in making this event possible.