Evidence-based early childhood programs, such as home visiting and high-quality preschool, hold enormous promise to improve the early health, education, and development of at-risk children, helping them and their parents break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Although Congress has increased investments in early childhood programs, these services reach only a fraction of the low-income children and families who could benefit from them. Pay-for-success initiatives, in which the government pays for set outcomes rather than social services, is quickly becoming a mechanism for local and state governments to finance evidence-based early childhood services for children and families. This webinar describes the basic concepts of pay-for-success initiatives and explores the goals, components, and status of three pay-for-success projects currently in development and in operation involving preschool and home visiting programs.


Megan Golden, Senior Fellow, Institute for Child Success (ICS), will provide an overview of pay-for-success financing and describe foundational work that ICS performed to determine the feasibility of pay-for-success models in South Carolina.

Tamar Bauer, Chief Policy Officer, Nurse-Family Partnership, will discuss Nurse-Family Partnership’s involvement in a pay-for-success initiative in South Carolina to deliver nurse home visiting services to pregnant women and their infants.

Janis Dubno, Early Education Policy Director, Voices for Utah Children, will discuss the Utah High Quality Preschool Program, which is delivering a high impact and targeted curriculum to increase school readiness for 3 and 4-year-old children in Salt Lake County.

Fraser Nelson, Director of Data and Innovation, Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office, will discuss the Salt Lake County Maternal and Child Health Pay for Success project to deliver the Parents as Teachers home visiting model to improve maternal and birth outcomes.

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