What could energy policy mean for kids? Does transportation policy have any impact on children? How will health reform effect kids? To answer these and other questions, we must utilize child impact assessments to systematically consider the effect of any potential policy on children.

Join us on July 28 for a live demonstration of a child impact assessment tool. A child impact assessment involves examining proposed policies, programs, regulations and legislation, to determine their potential impact on children and whether they effectively protect children.

Our briefing will highlight the Shelby County Child Impact Statement Reporting System (CISRS), developed by the Shelby County Office of Early Childhood and Youth in collaboration with faculty and staff from The University of Memphis. The partnership yielded a critical tool designed to allow for child and youth-focused policy planning and decision making. CISRS is a web-based software application designed to help users generate child impact statements.

SPEAKERS: Julie Coffey, Deputy Administrator of the Shelby County Office of Children & Youth • Michael Schmidt, MGD, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Multimedia Arts, The University of Memphis

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