Food aid, child care, homelessness assistance all could disappear

In response to the Trump Administration’s directive to freeze all federal loans, grants and assistance, First Focus on Children Senior Vice President of Budget and Taxes Michelle Dallafior issued the following statement:

It would be hard to overstate the potential impact of this directive on America’s children. We’re talking about food assistance, help for children experiencing homelessness, child care facilities, school meal programs, and myriad other programs that keep children fed, safe and in school. According to our calculations, these cuts could take roughly $329 billion from America’s children. These threats are striking fear into American families — “Will my child be able to eat today?” “Is their preschool open?” — This is a complete 180 from what the Administration promised the American people.

The U.S. already underinvests in the nation’s children. These actions could put even more of these programs on the chopping block. For more information, consult Children’s Budget 2024.

First Focus on Children will continue to update as the situation develops.