The coronavirus outbreak and the resulting economic crisis are falling hardest on the most vulnerable among us, including our nation’s children, especially children of color. It is disrupting every facet of children’s lives and we cannot yet know all of the negative and long-lasting implications they will have on children’s future success.

Child poverty is stubbornly high in the United States and we continue to have higher rates of child poverty than many of our peer countries. Child poverty disproportionately hurts children of color as systemic and institutional racism keeps children and families in poverty for generations. And now, the public health emergency and economic downturn may cause child poverty rates to spike by as much as 53 percent, with the highest rates for Black and Latino children, due to widespread job and income losses, meaning more children will be put at risk of long-lasting harm to their healthy development. We are at a pivotal moment to enact lasting, structural policy change, such as strengthening and expanding the CTC, to address both the persistently and unacceptably high level of child poverty and the racial disparities among children living in poverty. We have an obligation as a society to address these glaring inequities, and we know how to make progress. Ample research tells us that strengthening and expanding the Child Tax Credit and converting it into a monthly child allowance is one of the most effective ways to address child poverty and improve child well-being. Even better, modest changes to the CTC will help increase income and wealth and help the 50 percent of Black and Hispanic children who are left behind and do not qualify for the full CTC or even a partial credit. Monthly cash payments also help parents and guardians meet the rising costs of raising children, support their healthy development, and boost the economy.  

Below is a list of resources from the children’s advocacy and research community that shows extensive evidence as to why strengthening and expanding the Child Tax Credit and converting it into a monthly child allowance is necessary to tackling child poverty across the United States and improving the long-term outcomes of all our nation’s children.

Participating Organizations