Please join the American Bar Association, Children’s Advocacy Institute, First Focus, National Association of Counsel for Children, and the National Juvenile Defender Center for a briefing on:
Children’s Right to Counsel Sponsored by Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) When: Monday, September 12, 1:30p.m. EST

Where: Rayburn House Office Building, Rm. 2168 Gold Room

About: Every day in America, hundreds of thousands of children are involved in court cases that implicate their rights and impact every imaginable aspect of their lives. These cases involve matters of child abuse and neglect, immigration and deportation, juvenile delinquency and others.

While children in some of these cases are constitutionally guaranteed an attorney by their side during these confusing and frightening cases, many others go unrepresented as a judge determines their fate.

We have made considerable progress in the last decades in understanding the unique legal rights and needs of children in these cases. Yet state and federal law still lags behind the community consensus that these youngest and most vulnerable litigants must have their legal rights protected and be provided with zealous representation and an opportunity to have their voice heard.

Please join us at a congressional briefing to learn from experts on this issue. Panelists to include:
  • Moderator: Kendall Marlowe M.S.W., J.D., National Association of Counsel for Children
  • Right to Counsel, Federal Guidance: David Kelly J.D., M.A. Administration for Children, Youth and Families
  • Child Welfare/Dependency: Clark Peters Ph.D., J.D., A.M., University of Missouri
  • Children in Immigration Courts: Jennifer Podkul J.D., Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
  • Juvenile Justice: Kim Dvorchak J.D., National Juvenile Defender Center
  • Stories from the Front & Roadmap for Action: Jennifer Renne, J.D., ABA Center on Children and the Law
  • Former Foster Youth: Derrick Riggins



Presentation Materials: