This briefing was sponsored by First Focus and Voice for Adoption – with expert consultation from the Center for Health Care Strategies – and hosted by Senator Tom Carper.

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The briefing provided Congressional staff and interested stakeholders an opportunity to learn about and discuss policy and practice trends related to addressing the behavioral health needs of children and youth in foster care. Congress and the Administration have focused a great deal of time and effort on reviewing, both through GAO reports and hearings, the overreliance on psychotropic medications and lack of appropriate monitoring and oversight in practice in treating youth in foster care. The briefing was an opportunity to discuss effective alternatives, including evidence-based therapies. The goals were:
  • (1) Highlight the growing concern around overutilization of psychotropics and inappropriate prescribing practices for children and youth in foster care;
  • (2) Identify promising state practices with respect to monitoring and curbing over reliance on psychotropics; and and
  • (3) Offer examples of state innovations around alternative therapies addressing the behavioral health needs of children and youth in foster care and effectively utilizing evidence-based therapies for this population.
Briefing panelists (Download bios):
  • Kathleen Noonan, Founding Co-Director, Policy Lab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Download presentation)
  • JooYeun Chang, Associate Commissioner, Children’s Bureau
  • Meredith Matone, Research Scientist at Policy Lab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Download presentation)
  • Kevin George, State Foster Care Manager at the Oregon Department of Human Services (Download presentationfoster youth tip sheet and caseworker tip sheet)
  • Mike Naylor, Director, Clinical Services in Psychopharmacology at University of Illinois at Chicago (Download presentation)
  • Sarah Pauter, Executive Youth Partner of the Family & Youth Roundtable (FYRT) & California-FosterClub Youth Ambassador