Comment on proposed changes to the U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey
First Focus on Children submitted the following comment to the Office of Management and Budget to stress the need...
First Focus on Children submitted the following comment to the Office of Management and Budget to stress the need...
First Focus Campaign for Children, SchoolHouse Connection, National Network for Youth, Family Promise, and Covenant House International applaud the...
For the past year, 14-year-old Kyah has slept on the floor of a relative’s house, living out of a...
Heading into Thanksgiving, the negative economic reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be strongest for families with children...
Children of immigrants and immigrant children make up one-quarter of all U.S. kids and represent the fastest-growing group of...
Children of immigrants and immigrant children make up one-quarter of all U.S. kids and represent the fastest growing group...
Housing should be a fundamental right for all children and families in the United States — not a privilege....
The Biden Administration has withdrawn a Trump-era rule that would have forced 25,000 mixed-status immigrant families from their homes, including...
Our nation’s children face multiple challenges to their well-being stemming from years of a declining share of federal investments...