The National Collaboration for Youth (NCY), a coalition of over 45 national youth-serving organizations, has released a federal policy agenda, Building a Brighter Future: An Essential Agenda for America’s Young People. Released on the same day that President Obama issued his fiscal year 2012 budget, the NCY policy recommendations are essential to meeting the needs of America’s children and youth this year and beyond.

In order to help make comprehensive investments in the young people of America, the NCY policy agenda offers recommendations in the following ten policy categories:

• Early Child Care
• Education
• Afterschool & Summer Programs
• Community Service
• Youth Employment
• Healthy Children and Youth
• Child Welfare
• Homelessness
• Juvenile Justice
• Family Strengthening

Our children and youth constitute the most important human resource that can contribute significantly to the progress of our nation. Therefore, while budget battles continue to be waged in our nation’s capital, it is critical that we remain focused on meeting the full range of needs for our children, youth and families for they are the key to the economic and social wellbeing of our country.

In order to help achieve these goals, Building a Brighter Future offers recommendations for federal policy changes and investments designed to move this nation toward a brighter future and invest in the needs of our children, youth and families.

Download a copy of the Policy Agenda for Children and Youth.