Each June, First Focus on Children hosts Children’s Week with a schedule of events aimed at urging Congress to better protect the health, safety, and well-being of America’s children. This year, Children’s Week shines a light on the challenges facing our children — challenges like hunger, homelessness, poverty, gun violence. But we must act in the best interests of our children each and every day. This year, beginning on June 11th — Children’s Day — we look forward to working with members of Congress and our partner advocates to make caring for our children the norm, not the exception.Our kids can’t wait any longer for adults to do right by them.

Stay tuned for more information about events and activities happening during the week.

Schedule of Events

Protecting our Students – A Conversation with FL State Rep. Anna Eskamani & PEN America’s Jonathan Friedman

Monday, June 12th at 1 pm ET | Virtual

Across the country, challenges to our public schools are taking place in the form of censorship, anti-LGBTQ policies, and bans on curriculum and socio-emotional learning. Join this virtual conversation with State Rep. Anna Eskamani and PEN America’s Jonathan Friedman to hear the consequences these policies have for children and what can be done to continue to protect our students at a local and federal level.

For Every Kid’s Future – Investing Today in Baby Bonds 

Tuesday, June 13th at 9 am ET | U.S. Capitol Visitor Center

Hosted by Prosperity Now, this Day of Action will highlight and build support for Baby Bonds and the American Opportunity Accounts Act. Keynote Speakers include Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA-7).

Hearing: Anti-Poverty and Family Support Provisions in the Tax Code

Wednesday, June 14th at 10 am ET | U.S. Senate

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden will convene a committee hearing titled “Anti-Poverty and Family Support Provisions in the Tax Code.” Witnesses will include Amy K. Matsui, Senior Counsel and Director of Income Security at the National Women’s Law Center, Melissa Lester, MomsRising member, Bruce Meyer, Ph.D., McCormick Foundation Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, Grant Collins, President of Fedcap Inc.

Invest in Kids Briefing

Thursday, June 15th at 1 pm ET | The Whittall Pavilion at the Library of Congress

Join in celebrating Father’s Day and Children’s Week by attending a briefing with Congressional leaders, Administration officials, and child advocates focused on the importance of investing in our children. This brief will provide a first look at an upcoming Babies in the Budget report that examines yearly spending trends and the share of federal funding allocated to infants and toddlers, highlight recent successes of investments for children and the impact of federal programs, and discuss what next steps are needed to continue the commitment to kids during this appropriations season.

Hosted by First Focus on Children, ZERO TO THREE, and the Children’s Defense Fund, and in cooperation with Rep. Jimmy Gomez, chair of the Congressional Dads Caucus, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, chair of the Congressional Mamas’ Caucus, and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, chair of the Baby Caucus. 

Keep Up the Fight to Improve the Tax Code for Kids

Friday, June 16th at 1 pm ET | Virtual

New research continues to emerge about the positive impact that the 2021 improvements to the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit had in so many aspects of the lives of children and young people. Join this webinar to hear an update on new research and learn about ways you can take action to keep the pressure on lawmakers to expand these credits once again.

Other Notable Events

First Focus on Children’s President Bruce Lesley joined the Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, and the Dad’s Caucus for a Children’s Week discussion on fatherhood and empowering families.
To close out Children’s Week, Rep. Sara Jacobs submitted a resolution acknowledging Children’s Week 2023 and supporting the celebration of an annual Children’s Week in the United States during the second week of June with events, ceremonies, and programs to increase awareness and attention to the importance of children’s well-being and the issues they face. The resolution also called on the President to issue a proclamation establishing an annual Children’s Week and urging public and private organizations, businesses, and individuals to cooperate on initiatives that help secure our children’s future.

Highlights from past Children’s Weeks